Oral Health During & After Pregnancy- Orthodontic Excellence

Oral Health before, during and after Pregnancy

One of the most important things you need to take care of are your teeth and gums. The poor oral hygiene can result in a long series of conditions and diseases such as tooth decay, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. A long series of studies were made, and the results showed that there is a direct link between a poor oral health and diseases like Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Alzheimer and many others.

If you are pregnant, you need to be twice as careful about your dental care because it can increase the risk of affecting the health of your future baby.  Here are some tips that will help you maintain a good oral health before, during and after pregnancy.

Before pregnancy

Before you get pregnant try to visit a dentist’s office. Get your teeth cleaned by a professional, examine the gum tissue and other problems. Try to resolve any teeth problem you have before pregnancy, because some treatments are not safe for the baby.

Dental care during pregnancy

If you are pregnant and you go to the dentist tell him you are pregnant. This is a precautionary measure because dental treatment in the first and second half of third trimester should be avoided if possible. These are the times when the baby is growing and developing. If you undergo treatments in that period, your child can be affected. You should only do routine dental procedures during the second trimester. Besides that all other procedures should be postponed until after birth. You should also tell your dentist the names and dosages of the medication you take, including prenatal vitamins. Your dental treatment plan may change based on this information.

Avoid X-rays during pregnancy. If this is impossible and the procedure needs an X-ray, the doctor will protect the baby and will use extreme caution. Today’s X-ray machines are much safer than they were decades ago. But don’t avoid dental visits just because you are pregnant. Regular visits are important also because of the hormonal changes that take place in your body. You need to keep a good oral hygiene to reduce any oral and health problems.

If you suffer from morning sickness and that keeps you from brushing your teeth, change the type of toothpaste to a bland-tasting one. Ask your dentist what bland-tasting toothpastes he recommends. Rinse your mouth at least twice a day, but if you vomited, try to avoid brushing immediately. The acid in the stomach will weaken the enamel of your teeth and brushing will just destroy it even more.

After Pregnancy

After the pregnancy if you experience any pain in your teeth, or you experience any gum problems see a dentist as soon as possible (after the delivery). Have a professional examine your entire mouth and evaluate if any changes happened during pregnancy.